


For your own peace of mind it is very important to have a trustworthy hosting. Imagine how your business’ credibility can decrease when the server were you are hosting would crash, a complete disaster. With our systems it’s no issue at all. With our web hosting you are guaranteed to have a lot of benefits, amongst others:

  • Database management
  • Reduces your administration time and costs
  • Hosting of unlimited number of sub-domains is possible!
  • Access to FTP
  • File manager
  • Easy to install applications such as Joomla, Magento, WordPress and phpBB
  • Centralized console makes administration easy

We provide hosting on two different platforms: Linux and Windows.

  • Linux: Ideal for the most websites using Linux-based scripts like MySQL, PHP and Perl.
  • Windows: Ideal for most websites using Windows-based scripts like ASP, .NET and MS SQL.

Our hosting is set up for easy use, so there will be no worries at all about designing and maintenance of the website.

Layout mode
Predefined Skins
Custom Colors
Choose your skin color
Patterns Background
Images Background